Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We are the family of God on the mission of God. We encourage every member to live out their faith as a missionary to their family, work, community, and spheres of influence. As a church we pray for the gospel to go forth in power; we give financially to support the work of missions in our community and around the world to start new churches; and we engage our community and participate in mission trips to bring the gospel to our neighbors and the nations.

Missions Partnerships
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
ACTS 1:8
ACTS 1:8
Bi-Stone Baptist Association
Our local Baptist association is a group of Southern Baptist Churches in Limestone and Freestone counties that work in voluntary cooperation to help reach our region with the message of God's love and forgiveness found by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This includes pastor and church trainings as well as missions partnerships and disaster relief efforts.
Mercedes, Texas
We work with Lucero Del Norte Community Church to see their community transformed as they make disciples of Jesus. We have made annual trips to run Vacation Bible School, make repairs and additions to the church, and serve in compassion ministries.
Parker, Colorado
Studies show that the 93% of the Denver Metro population is unreached with the gospel. Cross Family Church is reaching this rapidly growing and heavily unchurched region.
Southeast Asia
We partner with a family serving among the unreached people groups of Southeast Asia through the International Mission Board. In addition to this partnership, we have adopted an unengaged, unreached people group, who have no known believers in Jesus Christ.
Local Missions

GO Day
Once a quarter, we go out into our community in teams to invite our neighbors to church, pray for them, and share the gospel. Training is provided prior to leaving, and we travel in teams. If you've never gone out with us, we'll try to pair you with an experienced person for support and encouragement. We also have a prayer room set up for those who are not able to walk the neighborhoods.

Women In Need
Based on James 1:27 - "...visit and help and care for the orphans and widows..." - the W.I.N Ministry exists to care for the shut-ins, women, and widows in Groesbeck by providing maintenance, minor repair work, and fellowship. If you would like to take part in this ministry or know someone who can benefit from W.I.N., contact the church.

Crisis Pregnancy Center
Center for Hope is a pregnancy care center in Mexia that provides encouragement, mentoring, and needed items (diapers, wipes, cribs, car seats, formula, Bibles, etc.) for expectant mothers. Our women's Bible study has baby showers to collect needed items, and our church provides Bibles for this ministry that is impacting the lives of women and children.